Hi everyone, today i'm going to talk about my career.

Well, this semester has been very weird due to the pandemic. The first semester i didn't have all my subjects, because most of them are practical, so was very dificult to study them by internet. But, this semester i had them all! They are: Contemporary technique, Modern Technique, Choreographic discourse analysis, Physical aconditioning, Ballet, Bartenieff and English ahah.

The true is that i love my career and i wouldn't change lot of things. My teachers are brillant and they explain very well, with too much love and patience, and i learn a lot too. The problem is the Faculty.

I study in "Artes Centro" and this faculty is very abandoned and neglected. We always have problems for different things. The lift doesn't work, it falls and some people have had accidents there, we don't have a comfortable place to rest, and sometimes there are no rooms to do the classes, so is very sad. 

If i could, i would change the infrastructure, put green areas and improve the classrooms. 

In terms of technologies, i would add computers and with a better conection to internet, because it usually is veeery slow and we lose time trying to work with them.

The rest i think is fine. I am happy with my career (although i don't like it online) :(

Thanks for read!


  1. bring green areas to Artes Centro haha :c

  2. I wonder how difficult it must be to study something so physical from home) :

  3. I hope things get better at Artes Centro, you deserve a nice place to study what you are passionate about u,u

  4. How terrible was the accident in the elevator!!!


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