POst 10: Some reflections

Well, the true is that this semester has been bad in some aspects, and in others has been very good.
Bad because everything about pandemic. Due to the quarantine i can't go to Santiago and see my family, i can't go to the university and have my classroom classes and dance, i can't see my friends and that's makes me feel so sad sometimes... And i can write a long list of things that are not very good, but i prefer to mention the good ones of all this, like to spend lot of time with my girlfriend here in her home (normally i see her very short times in weeks), or have much time to do things that when i am studying in the university i can't because i don't have time, like to watch series, movies, sleep a lot, and be all day knitting. This last one is my favorite ahah. 
And the most important that i have not mention yet, is that all the people that i love is fine. Nobody has been infected and that is a giant gift for me. 
I think that my achieves this time has been create with my own hands. I knitted a blanket and now i am knitting the second one. I created a video danza too for a workshop in wich i participated and i am very happy and proud of myself for the result. 

Thank you all for read. Goodbye :)


  1. Hi Dannae!! You failed to mention "Annie with An E" among the good things hahaha.. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy all this time for people and things that are important to you, I send you a hug <3

  2. Hi Dannae! It’s nice to know that you’re spending more time with your girlfriend! And also it is wonderful what have you done with your own hands, i admire you. I hope see u soon, someday! bye <3

  3. Hello Dannae, I've seen some of your videos and I love your creativity hahaha. I imagine how difficult it must be to be away from your family at tis time but I'm glas you´re accompanied by your girlfriend and can give each other love. I miss you and I love you<3

  4. Hi Dannae! have our family fine is the most great thing, i’m also very happy that you’re enjoying this time with your girlfriend, take care and knit as much as you can hahah!

  5. Hi Dannae! I have see your videos and I love them! How great that you are spending more time with your girlfriend, take care! I hope you are well, Bye friend<3!

  6. Hello Dannae! Thanks for sharing your reflections with us. I think that all the processes with this pandemic are very personal and unique. I'm very glad for knowing that your family and all the people you love are fine. Have a nice weekend!

  7. Dannae is so nice what you do with knitting!! I consider it something very difficult! and also it is so nice to read that your family is fine and nobody are infected with the corona.

    Have a nice week!


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